About CCS
Company Mission

Business Services

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Contact us at: 252-339-6168

email: ccsolutions@verizon.net

 Company Mission:  

Here at CCS, our mission is to provide our clients with quality, professional business applications that target the specific requirement of your business needs at a fair price. Additionally, it is also our mission to be timely & responsive to your needs and requirements, honest & forthright in our dealings with your company and to be professional in every aspect of our business relationship.

An interesting aspect of custom software application development is that poorly designed applications are deceptively inexpensive to create but cost customers/clients much in maintenance and support costs.  At first they may be inexpensive compared to a quality designed application, however, these applications soon prove to be inflexible, hard to maintain / upgrade and nearly impossible to add or modify features to keep up with changing business needs. At CCS we are committed to providing our clients with quality results. Whether it is a simple “locked” form created in MS Word, or an intricate spreadsheet created in MS Excel, or a custom semi-automatic invoicing/billing application integrated with your email program, you can be assured that CCS will go the “extra” step to ensure it is designed right from the beginning.  In order for us to develop a quality application, we need to completely understand your business processes. In this regard we will interview the management staff to determine essential business flows, output information, reports etc. We will also interview users to identify the specific work-processes required for the project. We will then put all the objects together in a logical manner for your review and approve before one line of code is ever written.  Periodically during application development we will meet with you to identify any problem areas or items that need clarification, review specific processes or desired results and keep you generally apprised of the development process.